28 research outputs found


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    These are reviews of the following books: "Alice in a World of Wonderlands: Translations of Lewis Carroll’s Masterpiece. Volume One: Essays, Volume Two: Back-Translations, Volume Three: Checklists" edited by Jon A. Lindseth and Alan Tannenbaum, " Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass: A Publishing History" written by Zoe Jaques and Eugene Giddens, "The Story of Alice: Lewis Carroll and the Secret History of Wonderland" written by Robert Douglas-Fairhurst and "Alice hinter den Mythen. Der Sinn in Carrolls Nonsense" written by Celia Brown.Prikazi sljedećih knjiga "Alice in a World of Wonderlands: Translations of Lewis Carroll’s Masterpiece. Volume One: Essays, Volume Two: Back-Translations, Volume Three: Checklists" urednika Jon A. Lindsetha i Alana Tannenbauma, " Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass: A Publishing History" autora Zoe Jaques and Eugene Giddensa, "The Story of Alice: Lewis Carroll and the Secret History of Wonderland" autora Robert Douglas-Fairhursta te "Alice hinter den Mythen. Der Sinn in Carrolls Nonsense" autorice Celie Brown

    Large gravitational collapse structure on a rocky coast (Kvarner, NE Adriatic Sea)

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    The studied rock collapse structure is located on the Liburnian coast (Rijeka Bay, channel zone of the NE Adriatic). The relief of the southern part of this coast, with a length of 6.5 km, is a large escarpment with very steep to vertical slopes reaching heights of 100 m above sea level, as a result of tectonic movements along the Kvarner fault zone. These events probably led to a sudden relaxation of the highly fractured rock mass. The progressive expansion occurred at locations where previously favourably oriented faults and fissures had formed a polygonal rock collapse resembling a rock-slide which is the focus of this study. Another aim of this study is to reconstruct and explain the complex morphological evolution of the studied landslide, from the pre-failure deformations, through the failure itself, to post-failure displacements, as well as possible future instabilities. Recent techniques to survey the instability, location and to analyse the evolution of the rupture surface and its dimensions were combined (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Side Scan Sonar and Remotely Operated Vehicles). The estimated total volume of displaced rock mass is 950,000 m3. The lower part of the instability phenomenon was submerged during the Holocene sea level rise. Since then, a large part of the displaced rock mass has been in a stable position, with sporadic rock falls. However, given unfavourable orientation and discontinuity characteristics, as well as unfavourable environmental influences, possible instabilities might also be expected in the future

    Deepening of the seabed for the construction of the LNG terminal on the island of Krk

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    Kod Omišlja na otoku Krku, gdje je predviđena izgradnja pristaništa za ukapljeni plin, hidrografskim mjerenjima ustanovljene su tri pličine na dubinama 13,5 i 13,6 m. Zbog sigurnosti plovidbe, morsko dno je moralo biti dublje od 15,4 m. Pomoću hidroakustičkih metoda istraživanja i autonomne ronilice ustanovljena je geološka građa morskog dna. Pličine su oblikovane u čvrstoj karbonatnoj stijenskoj masi. Primijenjena je posebna tehnologija iskopa bez miniranja. Iskopano je 11.000 m3 stijenske mase koja je deponirana u blizini. Izmijenjeno je stanište površine oko 12.500 m2.Near Omišalj on the island of Krk, where the construction of a pier for liquefied gas is planned, hydrographic measurements revealed three shoals at depths of 13.5 and 13.6 metres. For the safety of navigation, the seabed had to be deeper than 15.4 m. The geological fabric of the seabed was determined using a hydroacoustic survey and remote operating vehicle. Shallows are formed in a solid carbonate rock mass. Special technology of excavation without blasting was applied. 11,000 m3 of rock mass was excavated which was deposited nearby. The seabed habitat with an area of about 12,500 m2 was changed

    Vulnerabilität der Küste der Insel Krk

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    U ovom radu analizirana je ranjivost obala otoka Krka. Određivanje indeksa ranjivosti obale (CVI) izvršeno je za segmente obale duljine 25 m, a na temelju pet odabranih parametara (varijabli): geološke građe, obalnog nagiba, značajne visine valova, izloženosti plavljenju te postojanja i utjecaja žala. Prikazani rezultati analiza ranjivosti obala pokazali su složenost istraživanog područja, sa značajnim varijacijama indeksa ranjivosti duž obale otoka. Ispitani su i scenariji plavljenja za prognozirani porast morske razine za 60 cm do kraja stoljeća, odnosno 120 cm kod ekstremnih plima. Potvrđena je visoka ranjivost obalnih naselja na otoku Krku, prvenstveno zbog izloženosti plavljenju. Pokazalo se da je potrebno stvoriti baze podataka na temelju dovoljno točnih podataka o reljefu kopna i podmorja, geološkoj građi i oceanografskim značajkama, kako bi se mogao odrediti stupanj ranjivosti te mjere umanjenja hazarda i rizika.The paper provides analyses of the Krk Island coast vulnerability. The determination of the coastal vulnerability index (CVI) was carried out for costal segments of 25 m in length and based on 5 selected parameters (variables): geological composition, fabric coastal slope, significant wave heights, exposure to flooding, and the existence and impact of shores. The presented results of the costal vulnerability analyses revealed the complexity of the researched area, with significant variations of the vulnerability index along the island’s coast. Flooding scenarios for the forecast increase in sea levels by 60 cm until the end of the century, i.e. 120 cm at extreme tides were also tested. High vulnerability of the costal settlements on Krk Island was confirmed, primarily due to flooding exposure. It is necessary to create databases with sufficient accurate data on land and seafloor relief, geological composition fabric and oceanographic characteristics to determine the degree of vulnerability and hazard and risk mitigation measures.n diesem Beitrag wird die Vulnerabilität der Küste der Insel Krk analysiert. Der Vulnerabilitätsindex (engl. coastal vulnerability index; CVI) wurde für die Küstensegmente in Länge von 25 m bestimmt und zwar aufgrund der fünf Variablen: geologischer Aufbau, Küstengefälle, signifikante Wellenhöhe, Anfälligkeit gegenüber Überschwemmung und Existenz und Auswirkung des Strandes. Die dargestellten Ergebnisse der Analyse der Küstenvulnerabilität zeigen, dass das Forschungsgebiet einschließlicherheblicher Variationen des Vulnerabilitätsindexes entlang der Inselküsten komplex ist. Die Überschwemmungsszenarien für einen Meeresspiegelanstieg von 60 cm bis Ende des Jahrhunderts bzw. 120 cm bei extrem hohen Flut wurden auch simuliert. Die sehr hohe Vulnerabilität der Küstensiedlungen auf der Insel Krk wurde bestätigt, insbesondere weil sie Überschwemmungen ausgesetzt sind. Es hat sich auch gezeigt, dass Datenbanken aufgrund richtiger Angaben über Land- und Meeresrelief, geologischen Aufbau und ozeanographische Merkmale erstellt werden sollen, um den Vulnerabilitätsgrad und die Maßnahmen bestimmen zu können undsomit Gefahr und Risiko zu reduzieren

    Vulnerabilität der Küste der Insel Krk

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    U ovom radu analizirana je ranjivost obala otoka Krka. Određivanje indeksa ranjivosti obale (CVI) izvršeno je za segmente obale duljine 25 m, a na temelju pet odabranih parametara (varijabli): geološke građe, obalnog nagiba, značajne visine valova, izloženosti plavljenju te postojanja i utjecaja žala. Prikazani rezultati analiza ranjivosti obala pokazali su složenost istraživanog područja, sa značajnim varijacijama indeksa ranjivosti duž obale otoka. Ispitani su i scenariji plavljenja za prognozirani porast morske razine za 60 cm do kraja stoljeća, odnosno 120 cm kod ekstremnih plima. Potvrđena je visoka ranjivost obalnih naselja na otoku Krku, prvenstveno zbog izloženosti plavljenju. Pokazalo se da je potrebno stvoriti baze podataka na temelju dovoljno točnih podataka o reljefu kopna i podmorja, geološkoj građi i oceanografskim značajkama, kako bi se mogao odrediti stupanj ranjivosti te mjere umanjenja hazarda i rizika.The paper provides analyses of the Krk Island coast vulnerability. The determination of the coastal vulnerability index (CVI) was carried out for costal segments of 25 m in length and based on 5 selected parameters (variables): geological composition, fabric coastal slope, significant wave heights, exposure to flooding, and the existence and impact of shores. The presented results of the costal vulnerability analyses revealed the complexity of the researched area, with significant variations of the vulnerability index along the island’s coast. Flooding scenarios for the forecast increase in sea levels by 60 cm until the end of the century, i.e. 120 cm at extreme tides were also tested. High vulnerability of the costal settlements on Krk Island was confirmed, primarily due to flooding exposure. It is necessary to create databases with sufficient accurate data on land and seafloor relief, geological composition fabric and oceanographic characteristics to determine the degree of vulnerability and hazard and risk mitigation measures.n diesem Beitrag wird die Vulnerabilität der Küste der Insel Krk analysiert. Der Vulnerabilitätsindex (engl. coastal vulnerability index; CVI) wurde für die Küstensegmente in Länge von 25 m bestimmt und zwar aufgrund der fünf Variablen: geologischer Aufbau, Küstengefälle, signifikante Wellenhöhe, Anfälligkeit gegenüber Überschwemmung und Existenz und Auswirkung des Strandes. Die dargestellten Ergebnisse der Analyse der Küstenvulnerabilität zeigen, dass das Forschungsgebiet einschließlicherheblicher Variationen des Vulnerabilitätsindexes entlang der Inselküsten komplex ist. Die Überschwemmungsszenarien für einen Meeresspiegelanstieg von 60 cm bis Ende des Jahrhunderts bzw. 120 cm bei extrem hohen Flut wurden auch simuliert. Die sehr hohe Vulnerabilität der Küstensiedlungen auf der Insel Krk wurde bestätigt, insbesondere weil sie Überschwemmungen ausgesetzt sind. Es hat sich auch gezeigt, dass Datenbanken aufgrund richtiger Angaben über Land- und Meeresrelief, geologischen Aufbau und ozeanographische Merkmale erstellt werden sollen, um den Vulnerabilitätsgrad und die Maßnahmen bestimmen zu können undsomit Gefahr und Risiko zu reduzieren

    COVID-19 Vaccines Safety Tracking (CoVaST): Protocol of a Multi-Center Prospective Cohort Study for Active Surveillance of COVID-19 Vaccines' Side Effects.

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    Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) vaccine-related side effects have a determinant role in the public decision regarding vaccination. Therefore, this study has been designed to actively monitor the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines globally. A multi-country, three-phase study including a cross-sectional survey to test for the short-term side effects of COVID-19 vaccines among target population groups. In the second phase, we will monitor the booster doses' side effects, while in the third phase, the long-term safety and effectiveness will be investigated. A validated, self-administered questionnaire will be used to collect data from the target population; Results: The study protocol has been registered at ClinicalTrials.gov, with the identifier NCT04834869. CoVaST is the first independent study aiming to monitor the side effects of COVID-19 vaccines following booster doses, and the long-term safety and effectiveness of said vaccines.This study protocol preparation was funded by Masaryk University, grant numbers MUNI/IGA/1543/2020 and MUNI/A/1608/2020.S

    Phenolic profile and biological potential of white wine vinification by-products : bachelor thesis

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    Preradom grožđa i postupkom vinifikacije zaostaju vrijedni nusproizvodi sa visokim sadržajem fenola koji posjeduju brojna pozitivna biološka svojstva, osobito antioksidacijsku i antimikrobnu aktivnost. Nusproizvod kao što je vinski talog pokazao se bogatim izvorom vlakana i fenola što omogućava njegovo korištenje u prehrani. U ovom radu su ispitana dva uzorka taloga prikupljena tijekom proizvodnje bijelog vina, nakon maceracije i prije fermentacije te nakon provedene hladne fermentacije. Određeni su ukupni fenoli metodom po Folin-Ciocalteu, fenolni profil HPLC (eng. High performance liquid chromatography) metodom te je ispitana antioksidacijska aktivnost FRAP (eng. Ferric reducing antioxidant power), ORAC (eng. Oxygen radical apsorbance capacity) i DPPH (eng. 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl free radical scavenging) metodom. Rezultati ispitivanja pokazuju izuzetno visok udio fenola te raznolik fenolni profil ekstrakata. Osim fenolnog sastava uzorci su pokazali i dobru antioksidacijsku aktivnost. Iako su oba uzorka imala iznenađujuće dobre rezultate, posebno se ističe talog bijelog vina nakon maceracije obzirom da je imao gotovo dvostruko veći udio fenola kao i dvostruko bolju antioksidacijsku aktivnost u odnosu na talog vina uzorkovan nakon provedene fermentacije.After the grape processing and vinification, valuable by-products with a high phenolic content and numerous positive biological properties, especially antioxidant and antimicrobial activity remain. A by-product such as wine lees is a rich source of fibers and phenolics, which enables its use in nutrition. In this paper, two lees samples were collected during the production of white wine, one after maceration and before fermentation and other after cold fermentation. Total phenols were determined using the Folin- Ciocalte method, the phenolic profile by HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) method, and the antioxidant activity by FRAP (Ferric reducing antioxidant power) ORAC (Oxygen radical absorbance capacity) and DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl free radical scavenging) method. The obtained results show an extremely high proportion of phenolics and diverse phenolic profile of the extracts. In addition to the phenolic composition, samples also showed good antioxidant activity. Although both samples had surprisingly good results, the lees after maceration stand out especially since it had almost twice higher amount of phenolics as well as two-fold higher antioxidant activity compared to the lees of white wine

    Beach erosion of the Ploče beach (Rijeka)

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    Osnovni problem koji se javlja na šljunčanim plažama svakako je erozija izazvana vjetrovnim valovima. U Hrvatskoj, zahvaljujući turističkoj potražnji, sustavni monitoring obale postaje važan dio upravljanja priobalnim područjima, kako bi održavanje oblika i povećanje kapaciteta plaža bilo opravdano i efikasno. U te svrhe izrađuju se digitalni visinski modeli ispitivanih područja, a kao jeftina, brza i jednostavna metoda za prikupljanje podataka sve više se koristi SfM (eng. Structure from Motion) fotogrametrija. Ova tehnologija omogućuje izradu trodimenzionalnih oblaka točaka promatranoga područja, visoke preciznosti i razine detaljnosti iz niza fotografija. U radu je opisana primjena ovoga postupka na istraživanje problema erozije plaže Ploče u Rijeci. Nakon 7 snimanja terena, odgovarajući oblaci točaka uspoređivali su se u CloudCompare-u. Rezultati pokazuju da je plaža u 50 dana nakon dohranjivanja izgubila cca. 50 m³ materijala kao rezultat valne aktivnosti tijekom i nakon snažnih vjetrova iz smjera juga. Na istočnoj ćeliji plaže gdje je izraženo pomicanje materijala okomito na obalnu liniju izvršena je i usporedba oblika plaže s teoretskim Shingle modelom.The main problem that occurs on gravel beaches is certainly erosion caused by wind waves. In Croatia, due to growing tourist demand, systematic coastal monitoring is becoming an important part of existing coastal management actions, in order to efficiently maintain the shape and improve capacity of beaches. For these purposes, digital elevation models of examined areas are being developed, and SfM (Structure from Motion) photogrammetry is increasingly used, since it is a low-cost, fast and simple method for data collection. This technology allows the creation od three-dimensional point clouds of the observed areas with high precision and resolution, from a series of photographs. This paper describes the application of this procedure to the research of erosion of the Beach Ploče in Rijeka. After 7 terrain surveys, the corresponding point clouds were compared in CloudCompare. The results show that in 50 days after nourishment, the beach lost approximately 50 m³ of material, as a result od wave activity during strong winds from the south. In the eastern cell of the beach, where the movement of material is mainly perpendicular to the shoreline, a comparison of the shape of the beach with the theoretical Shingle model was performed

    Phenolic profile and biological potential of white wine vinification by-products : bachelor thesis

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    Preradom grožđa i postupkom vinifikacije zaostaju vrijedni nusproizvodi sa visokim sadržajem fenola koji posjeduju brojna pozitivna biološka svojstva, osobito antioksidacijsku i antimikrobnu aktivnost. Nusproizvod kao što je vinski talog pokazao se bogatim izvorom vlakana i fenola što omogućava njegovo korištenje u prehrani. U ovom radu su ispitana dva uzorka taloga prikupljena tijekom proizvodnje bijelog vina, nakon maceracije i prije fermentacije te nakon provedene hladne fermentacije. Određeni su ukupni fenoli metodom po Folin-Ciocalteu, fenolni profil HPLC (eng. High performance liquid chromatography) metodom te je ispitana antioksidacijska aktivnost FRAP (eng. Ferric reducing antioxidant power), ORAC (eng. Oxygen radical apsorbance capacity) i DPPH (eng. 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl free radical scavenging) metodom. Rezultati ispitivanja pokazuju izuzetno visok udio fenola te raznolik fenolni profil ekstrakata. Osim fenolnog sastava uzorci su pokazali i dobru antioksidacijsku aktivnost. Iako su oba uzorka imala iznenađujuće dobre rezultate, posebno se ističe talog bijelog vina nakon maceracije obzirom da je imao gotovo dvostruko veći udio fenola kao i dvostruko bolju antioksidacijsku aktivnost u odnosu na talog vina uzorkovan nakon provedene fermentacije.After the grape processing and vinification, valuable by-products with a high phenolic content and numerous positive biological properties, especially antioxidant and antimicrobial activity remain. A by-product such as wine lees is a rich source of fibers and phenolics, which enables its use in nutrition. In this paper, two lees samples were collected during the production of white wine, one after maceration and before fermentation and other after cold fermentation. Total phenols were determined using the Folin- Ciocalte method, the phenolic profile by HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) method, and the antioxidant activity by FRAP (Ferric reducing antioxidant power) ORAC (Oxygen radical absorbance capacity) and DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl free radical scavenging) method. The obtained results show an extremely high proportion of phenolics and diverse phenolic profile of the extracts. In addition to the phenolic composition, samples also showed good antioxidant activity. Although both samples had surprisingly good results, the lees after maceration stand out especially since it had almost twice higher amount of phenolics as well as two-fold higher antioxidant activity compared to the lees of white wine

    Beach erosion of the Ploče beach (Rijeka)

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    Osnovni problem koji se javlja na šljunčanim plažama svakako je erozija izazvana vjetrovnim valovima. U Hrvatskoj, zahvaljujući turističkoj potražnji, sustavni monitoring obale postaje važan dio upravljanja priobalnim područjima, kako bi održavanje oblika i povećanje kapaciteta plaža bilo opravdano i efikasno. U te svrhe izrađuju se digitalni visinski modeli ispitivanih područja, a kao jeftina, brza i jednostavna metoda za prikupljanje podataka sve više se koristi SfM (eng. Structure from Motion) fotogrametrija. Ova tehnologija omogućuje izradu trodimenzionalnih oblaka točaka promatranoga područja, visoke preciznosti i razine detaljnosti iz niza fotografija. U radu je opisana primjena ovoga postupka na istraživanje problema erozije plaže Ploče u Rijeci. Nakon 7 snimanja terena, odgovarajući oblaci točaka uspoređivali su se u CloudCompare-u. Rezultati pokazuju da je plaža u 50 dana nakon dohranjivanja izgubila cca. 50 m³ materijala kao rezultat valne aktivnosti tijekom i nakon snažnih vjetrova iz smjera juga. Na istočnoj ćeliji plaže gdje je izraženo pomicanje materijala okomito na obalnu liniju izvršena je i usporedba oblika plaže s teoretskim Shingle modelom.The main problem that occurs on gravel beaches is certainly erosion caused by wind waves. In Croatia, due to growing tourist demand, systematic coastal monitoring is becoming an important part of existing coastal management actions, in order to efficiently maintain the shape and improve capacity of beaches. For these purposes, digital elevation models of examined areas are being developed, and SfM (Structure from Motion) photogrammetry is increasingly used, since it is a low-cost, fast and simple method for data collection. This technology allows the creation od three-dimensional point clouds of the observed areas with high precision and resolution, from a series of photographs. This paper describes the application of this procedure to the research of erosion of the Beach Ploče in Rijeka. After 7 terrain surveys, the corresponding point clouds were compared in CloudCompare. The results show that in 50 days after nourishment, the beach lost approximately 50 m³ of material, as a result od wave activity during strong winds from the south. In the eastern cell of the beach, where the movement of material is mainly perpendicular to the shoreline, a comparison of the shape of the beach with the theoretical Shingle model was performed